• Please call us find out more information about our activities or support.

Our community opportunities service offers a range of activities that:-        


  • provide social contact and stimulation
  • offer meaningful activities which maintain and enhance physical and mental wellbeing
  • provide practical support and help to access universal services
  • offer or enable preparation for employment or access to work opportunities
  • maintain/restore and develop independence including basic life-skills

Target Group                                                                     
Disabled adults and older people who are eligible for Adult Social Care support from Leicester City Council and have been allocated a personal budget to meet their assessed needs.
A council-managed budget is the process where the Leicester City Council manages your personal budget for you and arranges your social care support

The service is also open to people who are in receipt of direct payments and to self- funders.

Arranging your support                                                    
You will need to discuss with your social care worker which of the services you need and wish to be arranged. Referrals are through the Independent Support Planning and Brokerage Service or the Council’s Care Management Teams.

If you live in the city you can visit Leicester City Council Adult Social Care to find out.

Self-Funders and people choosing to access the service using a direct payment or alternative methods of funding may self-refer

What’s on offer?
See our programme of activities for more information or call us on 0116 2554013

Art & Craft – Thursdays, 10:30 – 12:30 – Costs £2

Get creative and make something new. Keyrings, greeting cards, finger puppets, bracelets, picture frames and much more!

Social Drop In – Thursdays, 14:00 – 16:00 

Join us on Thursday afternoons for the return of our social drop in. Socialise with others as you play pool, table tennis, darts, table football and cards. You can also get a hot or cold drink from us for 20p.

In addition our staff and volunteers are always at hand to talk, listen, befriend and help.