The Centre Project is a local charity based in Leicester City Centre that supports vulnerable people in the community. We aim to reach those who are most excluded from our society to reduce isolation and promote wellbeing. The Centre Project is a place where those who are alone and socially isolated can find acceptance, a sense of belonging and renewed purpose.
The Centre provides holistic support. Our work is directed towards helping people enhance their life chances. We offer opportunities to reduce isolation and promote wellbeing.
The Centre Project offers a range of activities and sessions that you can attend each week. All of our sessions aim to improve our service users mental health and wellbeing, giving them...
We run our Food Bank in partnership with Leicester South Foodbank. Each week we offer those in need a food parcel, filled with essential items suited to all households.
Disabled adults and older people who are eligible for Adult Social Care support from Leicester City Council and have been allocated a personal budget to meet their ...
Homelessness takes many forms and is caused by more than housing problems. Social exclusion is one of the contributing factors to homelessness. A feasibility study...
Homelessness takes many forms and is caused by more than housing problems. Social exclusion is one of the contributing factors to homelessness. A feasibility study...
“The Centre helps me considerably. It is a focal point and it keeps me out of trouble, away from alcohol etc. I meet good people here. It is therapeutic for me. It’s extremely helpful”
Daily Activities
The Centre Project offers a range of activities and sessions that you can attend each week. All of our sessions aim to improve our service users mental health and wellbeing, giving them a space to take a break in while offering them the chance to try something new.
Weekly Food Bank runs every Monday from 10:30 – 13:00
Vouchers or referral needed to access the foodbank (you can get your referral on Tues, Thurs, Fri between 10am – 4pm or call us on 0116 2554013 for more information.
Social Drop In – Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, 13:00 – 16:00
Join us on Tuesday, Thursday & Friday afternoons for the return of our social drop in. Socialise with others as you play pool, table tennis, darts, table football and cards. You can also get a hot or cold drink from us for 20p.
Thursday – Arts & crafts £3
Get creative and make something new. Keyrings, greeting cards, finger puppets, bracelets, picture frames and much more!